>> Monday, November 3, 2008

Dear Readers,

For those of you who haven't been following the news, tomorrow is Election Day, and Tea With S.B. is ready to make an endorsement. It really came down to a choice between the two major-party candidates, Democrat Barak O'Bama and the Green-With-Envy candidate, Ralphie Nader. We didn't really consider the small, fringe, third-party candidate, John Wayne McCaine-Mutiny of the Right Wing Republican Party for several reasons: First - we don't really like political parties with way-out ideas that appeal only to gun-driving, monster truck-toting ostriches. Second - McCaine-Mutiny has urinated big time on Presidential politics with his carpet-chewing, groin-kicking, rumor-mongering style of campaigning that takes us way, way back to the dark ages of 2004. And Third - his choice of that monumentally unqualified broad from Alaska for Vice President. (Who would he choose for his cabinet? The Green Bay Packers' coaching staff?)
No, the choice this year is clear. Everyone, I mean Everyone - even any deceased friends and relatives you can dig up - must vote (several times, if your state law allows) for Barak O'Bama.
If you need a song to sing as you wait in line, follow this link - You'll feel better for it.