>> Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dear Readers,
It has come to my attention that last Thursday's post, called Best Beatle Trivia Quiz, had a slew of incorrect information. Now, All I've Got To Do is to make good this mistake by either giving the test over again or admit that I was a Bad Boy. I Should Have Known Better than to create a quiz about The Beatles, as never In My Life have I created one before. If you Ask Me Why I did it, I don't know, because sometimes, blogging - well, It's All Too Much. So get your pencils ready again, 'cause here are the correct answers:

1. Yes, but only on alternate Tuesdays, with a repaired Lutheran.
2. It was a maraca, not what her cousin said it was.
3. In 1966, surrounded by John Glenn, 5 pairs of antlers and little regard.
4. The trouser press, not the Savoy Theatre, landed in the silo full of custard.
5. The cost was $875 worth of mufflers and hidden in a group of choristers.
6. It fell three stories and became the year's must-have butter.
7. Judy Garland, but only the top half.
8. They all thought it was real, but only when their hats were on.
9. Hardly. After Luxembourg?
10. The police and his grandmother, but some thought it was purple.

Getting Better for you? I made sure to check Every Little Thing this time, so Don't Bother Me any longer about it. I can honestly say that I Feel Fine about this palliative post and is it all worthwhile? Yes It Is.


Anonymous November 18, 2008 at 2:36 PM  

O.K., this one's doubly perverse and we shall simply have to set the Beatle Police upon your trail! This re-blog" (is that even allowed?) was truly a "Carnival of Blight"!
Nad Celog.