>> Saturday, November 8, 2008

Dear Readers,

I know the theme of this blog is that it's not about me, but I must explain why today's post is so lame. Yesterday afternoon, my water heater blew and flooded my entire basement! Needless to say, I've been bailing and wet-vaccing and tossing out sodden material for about 20 hours. I've only had this water-heater for 35 years, too! Talk about modern-day workmanship! Hrrummph! So I just wanted to explain that I'm not having another attack of writer's block or anything technical like that - in fact, I had some rather juicy material planned for today. Oh well, at least I did have a nice tea break, but now, it's back into my sopping shoes!


Anonymous November 14, 2008 at 9:12 PM  

35 years and it blew?! I HOPE you still have the warranty for the water heater.
And what is this about tea all the time. As Emerson used to say to friends after meeting them after a long period apart: "What has become apparent to you?"....apparently, tea and water heaters. Well, blog-on, game goose, blog on. Do you take it with milk or honey? Have you tried gamenase on your muffins?
Happy wet-vaccing!
Pinioned in Pretoria