>> Monday, November 10, 2008

Dear Readers,
Not soon enough, we'll be saying a bittersweet farewell to a pair of politicians that provided the nation's comedic talent with unlimited fodder. Yes, W. George Bush and Dick H. Cheney will be exiting the national scene - at last. But our gain will be comedy's loss and while the greater good will be served by getting shot of such toxic characters, jokesters from California to Nevada will feel the pain of separation.
Already, we hear that President-To-Be Obama offers nothing in the way of funny to those who sacrifice themselves to keep the nation's ribs tickled. Well, I disagree. I myself - no great laugh-machine - came up with over 200 Obama jokes in less than thirty seconds! Jesters, get ready to cut-and-paste, 'cause here are some of the best:

Obama: John, what's amnesia?
McCain: I forget.

Obama: Knock, Knock.
Putin: Who is there, plizz?
Obama: Justin.
Putin: Justin who, plizz?
Obama: Justin time for a summit!

Senator Byrd: Out of all the animals, why is the rabbit the coolest?
Obama: Because it can hip hop.

Hillary: How long did the iron age last?
Obama: Until they invented permanent press!

Bill Clinton: Hey Barack, why did the golfer change his socks?
Obama: He had a hole in one!

Obama: Knock, Knock.
Dr. Phil: Who's there?
Obama: Ya.
Dr. Phil: Ya who?
Obama: Hey, what's all the cheering about?

Biden: What's a gardener's favorite dessert?
Obama: Pie a la mowed !

Nancy Pelosi: Have you found the Abominable Snowman?
Obama: Not yeti !

Gordon Brown: Hey, mate! How does a British Policeman keep his badge on?
Obama: With a bobby pin !

Arianna Huffington: I've got to get rid of this palm tree!
Obama: Okay, but be sure to give it a frond farewell !

See? That wasn't so hard, was it? I think the comedians of America will be all right now. Keep 'Em Laughing!