>> Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dear Readers,

To celebrate the election, I've taken the old Bob Dylan anthem, 'The Times They Are-A Changin', and given the tune some new lyrics. Please take heed of the message and sing your hearts out!


Come rally 'round people - Election's at hand,
The GOP's chosen for its worthless brand-
A geezer who's brain cells are drier than sand
And a woman who's IQ is ailin'
You'd better just give them the back of your hand!
Please don't vote for McPalin.

McCain is the maverick he's telling us still-
But with the e-conomy rollin' downhill,
He begs us to calm down and just take the pill -
Of tax breaks and no reg-u-latin'
He's tryin' to sell us the old George Bush swill!
You cannot vote for McPalin!

We'll be in Iraq for the next hundred years,
So says McCain through his crocodile tears-
Big losses by Big Oil is what he most fears,
You know that his buddies are prayin'
He'll drill and he'll drill while at Sarah he leers,
You musn't vote for McPalin.

Palin's the Boss of the 49th state,
How well she does that, you just can't equate-
To leading a nation and holding the fate-
Of citizens, nervous and qualin'
I bet old Al-Qaeda and Russia can't wait!
For us to e-lect McPalin.

So Voters I beg you - please heed my call,
Don't hope for these wackos to win in the fall -
Send him to a rest home - send her to the mall,
In a GOP coffin for nailin'
By rejecting these cretins our country stands tall!
DO NOT vote for McPalin!

I'm not making any endorsements, nor am I making any mistakes. Friends don't let friends vote Republican.