>> Friday, October 17, 2008

Dear Readers,
Just thinking about the Presdential Debate the other night and it occured to me that if what the candidates were saying about each other were true, both should be under some sort of indictment and should have been detained by the authorities immediately upon the conclusion of the event.
This can't happen, of course and the fact that it didn't must credited to the aging moderator, Barb Schieffer, who helped the GOP candidate, John Wayne McCain, look much younger than his 206 years. Speaking of McCain, I think it was irresponsible of him to name such an unqualified running mate. How can any sane person tap Alabama's Governor, Sarah Brightman, to be the Vice-Presidential candidate? I mean, she's not even an American for dog's sake! (She's Australian, isn't she? That's what Wikipedia says, anyway). She wasn't all that good in Andrew Lord Webster's muscial guacamole, AlleyCats, so how can she perform the task of being Vice President? If he wanted a woman on the ticket, American actress Geena Davis was available (I hear). Geena at least has experience playing a President of the US of A, having performed the role on a defunct TV series a while back. As far as I know, Brightman has only played a cat. How she got to be governor of Arkansas, I'll never fathom. And a quick look at the map indicates it's nowhere near Russia, so bang goes the foreign policy wheeze!
President Obama got it right, though, when he tapped Joe The Plumber as his Vice Presidential choice. Smart move, Mister President. Not only does Joe relate to the working class, but he's a lot dumber than Obama, which makes an already smart guy look all that much smarter by comparison.
I have a lot of respect for John Wayne McCain, after all, he was captured by the Japanese in World War One after he dropped the atomic bomb on Berlin. After the war, the Japanese authorities turned him over to the Vietnamese who held him until his election to congress in 1982. This is all well and good, but not the makings of a President. Abraham Lincoln didn't get captured, nor did Chester Alan Arthur. I think I've proved my point.
Well, even though I still have a morning coffee on the go, it's 4 o'clock somewhere in the world, and I can hear a faint whistle of a tea kettle from Kirkubrishire in Scotland. It's teatime!


madashell October 17, 2008 at 12:59 PM  

I'm not one to be mercenary, but it would help to have an incentive for offering my nuggets of wisdom to pollsters and bloggers - like frequent flyer miles or free trail mix. . .

Anyhoo, I'd be fine with Tina Fey as VP or whatever. I think its high time we had someone in the upper reaches who has decent legs (in stilettoes). I'd even go along with having Creationism taught beside Electrocution in our special ed and technical schools as a tradeoff. . . .