>> Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dear Readers,
Boy, am I embarrassed! I can't seem to come up with a quality column today, and I refuse to use this temporary lull in my imagination to waste your time with a few, miserable details of my day - (mis)spelled out with a few consonants missing, like over at Twitter. If you are a fan of this blog (and I know who you are), then I'm sure you'll understand.
There's so many things to write about, but I felt all the topics I considered today were not inspired ones. Some examples - A review of the new James Bond movie, A Quart of Solace, a snarky comment about Sarah-Fey Palin's $150,00 wardrobe, how the Philadelphia Phillies escaped certain death at the hands of their bloodthirsty fans by winning the World Series last night, the all-too-expected announcement that the shagging corporate executives who ruined the economy are still going to get huge bonuses this year - and other ideas too sparse to mention. Safe to say, I will be back, even if it's only to post my own, insane, time-burning, unsolvable version of sudoku. Oh well, I do hear the reedy whistle of that ceremonial cast-iron kettle coming from the direction of Osaka, where it's almost 4 o'clock, and time for tea.


Anonymous November 14, 2008 at 10:29 PM  

Have you never tried coffee, old bean? You do not KNOW what you are missing over there on your side of the ponde.
Puddles McShiney
Piss-On-Kent, Eng.