>> Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dear Readers,

Welcome to my blog 'Tea With S.B.' I am an Illustrator who should be at work but I have a lot to say, just like everyone else on the planet. I've been around long enough to remember when people had telephones with party lines, so the Wide World Internet is still a wonder to these ears of mine.

This blog is currently a pudding without a theme. I will choose subjects to write about that suit my frame of mind, but If I get any reaction, I will bend with the wind, as I am stubbornly changeable. The best thing is that I have a ton of old illustrations I've done over the centuries to put on this blog and make my vacuous points. I promise that there will be NO vacation or family photos posted to this site, even though I am an ace photographer and have some very, very good ones indeed.

Why do it? Did Sir Edmund Muskie think to climb Mount Everett before the Nepalese invented it? Did Bill Gates think to invent Microsoft before losing his pocket protector in a bet with Louis Armstrong? Did Amelia Airheart think to pack more sandwiches before nosediving into the Indian Ocean? Did Dr. Spock think of growing his eyebrows all funny before he learned Star Wars needed a half-Vacuum? The answer is a definite maybe, or perhaps, 42.

Anyway, keep me in mind, because I have some interesting opinions for a person with such a meek, mild profession as an artist. Take the debate last night between President Obama and Captain Queeg. I thought the carpet on the stage was just beautiful.

Well, I must away now because the ink ribbon on my compooter is running out and somewhere it's 4 o'clock and a kettle boils away signalling it's time for tea.