>> Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dear Readers,

Welcome to Tea With S.B.'s 100th blog post. For those of you who have somehow missed the other 99, I can only say that the staff here at TWSB are thrilled and delighted to have been so influential in the magical world of the Internet - and in the real world, too.
Much has changed in the world since the very first TWSB post, but let us recount some of the highlights: The bloody conflict in Scandinavia has come to an end, and a solid peace prevails amongst the Nordic countries. Raspberry Vinaigrette has been made illegal in a further 5 states, bringing the total to 33 that have banned the once-ubiquitous salad dressing choice. The Cayman Islands have still failed to develop nuclear weapons, and a promising new vaccine has been developed for the 'squirts'. Ricky Martin recordings are still embargoed, despite pressure from the EU, The Mormons and Vice President Joe Biden. In Alaska, Sarah Brightman is no longer Governor, and in California, Jean-Claude Van Damm still is. Paula Abdul has replaced Katie Couric as the anchor of the CBS Evening News, and Who Let The Dogs Out has replaced The Star Spangled Banner as the US National Anthem.
Coincidence? You do the math. All we can promise is that Tea With S.B. will continue to be the Internet touchstone of truth for at least the next 100 blog posts, and that's a promise.