>> Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dear Readers,

Back at you with another snap (I just printed it from the drugstore photo kiosk) documenting my fancy 10-day world tour.
I don't know about you, but I have a hard time at events where comestibles are being served, especially when you're in a foreign country (what are the rules?, etc.). Large parties, especially, are minefields for me because I'm not all that good at eating and drinking sitting down, let alone being forced to do these things on your feet. So, with that established, let me tell you how this extraordinary picture came to be. I was walking around in downtown Prague Czech Republic during our 6-hour layover there, and I just happened to bump into a woman who's missing parakeet I had found for her back in 2002 ( in my capacity as a Senior Partner In A Private Investigation Agency). We stood and texted each other for a while and then she mentioned she was going to a reception at the American Embassy in honor of the Czech Prime Minister and would I like to come along? I said OK. Well, to cut a long story short, when I got there, I made straight for the buffet and piled my plate high with Vienna Sausages, Olive Loaf roll-ups and Cheese Doodles. Just as I turned around to look for a seat (yeah, right - there were 500 people there and 3 sofas!), a waiter in Uncle Sam livery offered me a glass of champagne, so I took one. Now it's very hard to balance all this while also trying to take pictures of all the glamour and glitz, and worse still, when you accidentally find yourself in the reception line to meet the PM ( I thought it was the line to get trays)! Needless to say, as hands were thrust at me by the array of dignitaries, something had to give, and my camera fell to the floor just as I was taking a picture of the Croatian Ambassador's wife, whom I recognized from one of my job-related stakeouts at the Washington Hilton a couple of years ago. It was instinct, you know? The visit was not a total loss, though, as I was able to secure an assignment from the deputy Prime Minister's sister - to find her pet turtle, Ric.