>> Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dear Readers,

As anybody who's ever been to London, England knows, there are three things you must see - Madame Tussaud's Waxworks, the Pigeons in Trafalgar Square and The Cavern Club, where The Beatles played once (I still can't find this London landmark, in spite of 12 trips to England - maybe it's been torn down). And now, as a result of my 10-day world tour this past summer, I can now add a fourth - The London Eye.
Believe it or not, there's this huge amusement park right in downtown London - with only one ride! But what a ride! The London Eye is the world's largest Ferris Wheel and to ride it will give you memories that will last several lunchtimes. It's pricey - $450.00 US - but you get your own, individual gondola, with a mini-bar, satellite TV and a full en suite toilet and bath. The 'round' (get it?) trip I took lasted a full eight hours (causing me to miss my tour bus visit to The Leering Tower of Pisa) but it was well worth it. Only a couple of glitches that I would fix if it were my ride - one, the gondolas ( or cars, as we call them in the USA) don't swing freely on their supports, so you're upside down quite a lot, and two - the glass in the gondolas are kind of smeary -probably from all the vomit ( I blame the English food more than being upside down half the time) - which resulted in all my London Eye photos being a bit blurry, like the one displayed here (It was the best of the bunch). But London is really a beautiful town, especially at night, and if you get tired of the scenery after a few hours of riding on The Eye, just buckle yourself snugly into your seat, turn on the telly, pop open a can of warm lager, and try and figure out what in the world a Cricket Match is supposed to be.