>> Friday, September 11, 2009

Dear Readers,

As you all know, this blog is not about me, per se, but I'm delighted to share with all of you not only my opinions, but carefully screened and edited tidbits about my personal life in an effort to persuade you that there is an actual person behind all this frivolity. To further that goal, I will, from time to time, share with you some of my professional-quality photos taken while on vacation, on assignment or in connection with my day job, which is senior partner in a Private Detective Agency, specializing in marital disputes and lost pets (only those whose largest dimension is 5"). Like many of you, I took time off this summer to indulge my love of travel. I signed up for a 10-day package tour which took me to England, France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Croatia, China, Nepal, Sri Lanka, The Cayman Islands, Sicily, Crete, China, Austrailia, Hong Kong and Midway Island. Before leaving home, I purchased a brand new camera and took some pictures which I will be sharing with you as summer turns to fall (... and fall turns to winter, etc...). This first one, displayed above, was taken just outside a gift shop near the Great Wall Of China. Just as I was taking this snap, two humorless policemen grabbed me and took me into custody just because I made a joke about a souvenir I had just bought as 'probably made in China, like everything else'. I was released after only 3 days, but I missed my tour stops in North Korea, Iran and Zimbabwe. Probably just as well, I think, as I am such a indefatigable kidder.