>> Thursday, February 12, 2009

If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, he'd be 200 years old.
If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, no one would have ever heard of John Wilkes Booth, let alone his brother, Edwin.
If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, Rudolph Valentino would be on the penny.
If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, Ford Motor Company's luxury car would be called "The Filmore Continental".
If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, he would have collected $351,245,087.39 in social security benefits by now.
If Abraham Lincoln were alive today he would have had the time to read all of the 15,000 or so books printed about him over the years.
If Abraham Lincoln were alive today his 'Twitter' log-on name would be Abraham Lincoln.
If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, Southerners would still be PO'ed at him.
If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, his favorite TV shows would be 'The Office" and "Survivor".