>> Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dear Readers,

The New York Yankees have won the World Series and have regained their place as the champions of Major League Baseball. The planet has regained it's equilibrium, the stars have aligned in a new 'age of Aquarius', and we can count on at least 6 months of perfect weather in all parts of the country.
There are other effects to be noticed that have been effected by this return to normalcy, like:

Osama Bin Laden has been captured and has offered -along with all the Al-Queida members he's aware of - to personally rebuild the World Trade Center buildings - for free.

Bernard Madoff has informed authorities that he has a Swiss bank account with $750 trillion dollars in it, and would like to repay all the people he ripped off plus retire the entire U.S. national debt.

Hamid Karzai has announced he will join the Green Party, quit as President, and allow Afghanistan to have free elections without him.

Rush Limbaugh has announced he's giving up his radio show to join ACORN.

Paula Abdul has promised she will never appear on TV again.

Sarah Palin has retired from politics to become a US park ranger, to be stationed in Greenland.

Iran has decided to give up it's nuclear weapons program and has applied to become the 51st US State.

And you thought sports was silly. I'll let you know of more normalcy events as they come in.